Sunday, April 1, 2012


Easter is approaching, and children will find lots of joy hunting for easter eggs, and adults will find lots of joy eating the ones that are left – let's hope there are lots left!

For Tarot, the symbol of the egg is increasingly popular in decks, and egg shapes are re-discovered and made more prominent by Marseille decks. Especially the Tarot Aurotriz, Camoin and Le Mat found joy in hiding eggs in a few cards. I would like to encourage you to look through your Marseille deck and find the eggs. Unfortunately, they are not made of chocolate.

In the major arcana of some of the Tarot de Marseille decks we can see several eggs. The Papesse/Priestess has an egg on her left side. The egg seems to have just been laid by a chicken. The Papesse represents this time of fecundation, this time of thinking and deepening inside oneself. If you have a religion you will share the silence, feelings, knowledge and sufferance of Christ. The egg will represent the Resurrection of Christ, because it contains a new life inside.

There are a lot of pictures of Saint Mary Magdalene with an egg. In Eastern Christianity and orthodoxy, there is a story that Mary Magdalene, went to the tomb where Jesus was buried and brought some cooked eggs for the other women that were with her. Suddenly the eggs turned red, when she saw the resurrected Christ.

Tarot de Marseille, which picks up on the iconography of the Orthodox tradition, is the ideal place for hiding eggs. Since the Vatican declared that Mary Magdalene was in fact not a prostitute, and the Mary Magdalene cult became more and more popular – not only after the DaVinci Code – it is likely we see more and more eggs in future religious iconography. The Priestess or Papesse is the ideal place, because she is often related to Mary Magdalene. But there are more eggs to be found, so please feel free to comment below what those eggs might mean, and what it means to you!

Think about what you want with your Easter Eggs. Easter is a time of reflexion about the future, the Papesse tells us to use our mental facilities and intuition, to wait and find in books and in ourselves the answer of what we want to know. Easter is a time of contemplating what we want in life. The Priestess has intuition and has a lot of answers in her memory, in herself. With the Papesse it seems that nothing is happening, but that's a very good moment to invest your time to plant all your ideas. After that card, the Empress will arrive with her creativity, that will be materialised by her husband the Emperor.  

Enjoy Easter! And if you see an egg, think about what you want in life, wait and when you have really decided go ahead.

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